Origin of exhibitors 2022 from 43 countriesAustria: 7; Belgium: 11; Canada: 2; China, People's Republic: 56; Croatia: 4; Czechia: 11; Denmark: 27; Estonia: 3; Finland: 15; France: 17; Germany: 153; Greece: 1; Hong Kong, China SAR: 14; Hungary: 1; Iceland: 1; India: 2; Indonesia: 1; Ireland: 2; Israel: 1; Italy: 92; Japan: 3; Korea, Republic: 10; Lebanon: 1; Lithuania: 7; Malaysia: 2; Netherlands: 34; Poland: 32; Portugal: 11; Romania: 5; Serbia: 1; Singapore: 1; Slovakia: 1; Slovenia: 2; Spain: 52; Sweden: 21; Switzerland: 9; Taiwan: 24; Türkiye: 29; Ukraine: 1; United Arab Emirates: 1; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: 12; United States of America: 5; Vietnam: 1