Industry sectorGeneral Trade Fairs for Consumers (industry 04)
Main product groupBakery Products, Meat Products, Fish, Seafood, Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy Products, Beverages, Delicatessen Foods, Sweets, Amateur Handicraft Articles, Decorations, Needlework, Needlework Utensils, Needlework Materials, Applied Arts, Notions, haberdashery, Fashion Jewellery, Sewing Machines, Textiles, Vehicles, Services, Garden Equipment, Plants, Florists' Articles, Horticulture, Wooden Products, Sun Blinds, Table Decoration, Tourism, Apparel (Garment), Financing, Building and Construction, Heating Technology, Interior Construction
AccessGeneral public
Exhibitor data baseon-line available / access via home page of the trade fair
Direct sale (retail sale to visitors permitted?)Yes