The trade fair and you as an exhibiting company live off the physical presentation of newly developed products and interpersonal exchanges. Participation at trade fairs continues to develop. Multi-sensor technology plays a crucial role. Physical presence as well as personal sales are complemented by suitable digital components. Physical trade fair participations with digital extensions and hybrid trade fair participations are central to the further development of trade fair participations.
These models are characterised by the fact that the boundaries can flow smoothly into each other. While they use existing tools, the challenge is to put together the tools individually in order to be successful in the end. Under this premise, hybrid trade fair participation has the decisive benefits. As an exhibiting company, you have the opportunity to completely personalise your brand communication with digital tools.
Hybrid trade fair participation is a marathon, not a sprint. However, hybrid trade fairs stand out because they offer the possibility of permanently adapting a medium or long-term strategy and the presentation of your company in both the physical and digital space.