
International trade fair for next next level farming and new food systems

The current key figures are FKM-certified.


FKM certification
Space (m²)
space (gross)3.5004.150
space (net)8431.599
Special show space174658
Exhibitor stand space669941
hall space669941
open air00
Exhibitor figures
other represented firms415
Visitor figures
Visitors (number of admissions)1.063998
1) To evaluate the key figures: Exhibition was held during the Corona Pandemic, which started in January 2020.
Exhibitors profile

Origin of exhibitors 2023 from 17 countries
Austria: 2; Belgium: 1; Canada: 2; China, People's Republic: 1; Denmark: 1; Finland: 2; France: 1; Germany: 44; Italy: 3; Netherlands: 9; Norway: 1; Portugal: 1; Romania: 1; Spain: 1; Sweden: 2; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: 5; United States of America: 1

Industry sectorFood, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24), Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, livestock, veterinary medicine (industry 49)
Main product groupPlant Engineering, Aquaculture, Automation, Irrigation Plants, Flower-bulbs, Consulting, Roof Grassings, Fertilizer, Fertilizer Technology, Energy Generation, Filter, Financing, Vegetable Cultivation, Green Houses, Green Plants, Heating Technology, Hydroculture, Infrastructure, Air Conditioning, Components, Control Equipment, Refrigeration, Lighting Fittings, Light Control Systems, Lighting Technology, Aerology Equipment, Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Photovoltaic conversion, Plants, Plant Production, Plant Protection, mushrooms, Robotics, Seeds, Sensor Technology, tanks, Vertical Farming, New Food Systems
AccessTrade visitors
Exhibitor data baseon-line available / access via home page of the trade fair
Direct sale (retail sale to visitors permitted?)No

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