Industry sectorGifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03), Lighting, Lighting Technology (industry 11)
Main product groupAccessories, Flowers, Christmas-Tree Decorations, Party Items, Festive Decoration, Gardening Material, Braiding, Luxury Foodstuff, Gifts, Glass Products, Green Plants, Needlework, Trade, Home Textiles, Wooden Products, Wooden Toys, Hotel Furnishings, Consumer Goods, Artificial Flowers, Applied Arts, Lighting Fittings, Paper Products, Cut Flowers, Urban Design, Street Furniture, Street Lighting, Dried Flowers, Lifestyle Accessories, Living, Lifestyle
AccessTrade visitors
Exhibitor data baseon-line available / access via home page of the trade fair
Direct sale (retail sale to visitors permitted?)No