VenueLos Angeles Convention CenterLos AngelesUnited States of America Dates21/05/-26/05/202314/05/-16/05/2024 (San Jose)13/05/-15/05/2025 (San Jose)May 2026 (San Jose)Interval: annually at different venues OrganiserSID Society for Information Display, Inc. 1475 S. Bascom Ave, Ste. 114Campbell CA 95008-4006United States of AmericaFon: +1 408 879-3901Fax: +1 408 879-3833office@sid.orghttp://www.sid.orgProject team Joint company stand of the Federal Republic of Germany 5/2023Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate ActionParticipation mode:Joint company stand (G)Information center (IZ)Exhibitors register with: FAIRS Messe Marketing Management GmbH German Pavilion Online: