EM-Power Europe / The smarter E Europe

The international exhibition for energy management and integrated energy solutions


Messe MünchenMunichGermany


09/06/-11/06/2027Interval: annuallyfounded in: 2018


Solar Promotion GmbH Kiehnlestr. 1675172 PforzheimGermanyFon: +49 7231 58598-0Fax: +49 7231 58598-28info@solarpromotion.com
Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und - Messe GmbH & Co. KG Neuer Messplatz 379108 FreiburgGermanyFon: +49 761 3881-02Fax: +49 761 3881-3006messe.freiburg@fwtm.dehttp://www.messe.freiburg.de
Project teamFon: +49 761 3881-3700thesmartere@fwtm.dehttp://www.em-power.eu


bne - Bundesverband Neue EnergiewirtschaftDEN - Deutsches Energieberater-Netzwerk e.V.EU DSO EntityE.DSO - European Distribution System OperatorsEurelectric - The Union of the Electricity IndustryGEODE - The Voice of local Energy Distributors across EuropeOSGP AllianceRealFM e.V. - Der Berufsverband der Real Estate und Facility ManagersmartEn - Smart Energy EuropeVEA - Bundesverband der Energie-Abnehmer e.V.vedec - Verband für Energiedienstleistungen, Effizienz und Contracting e.V.

Present journalists

2024: 884, of which from abroad 246

The current key figures are FKM-certified.


FKM certification
Space (m²)
space (gross)11.0009.20018.300
space (net)3.6804.9819.756
Special show space1.295709838
Exhibitor stand space2.3854.2728.918
hall space2.3854.1378.728
open air0135190
Exhibitor figures
Visitor figures
Visitors (number of admissions)16.162*26.846*39.076*
* = determined by a representative survey
1) To evaluate the key figures: Exhibition was held during the Corona Pandemic, which started in January 2020.
Exhibitors profile

Origin of exhibitors 2024 from 35 countries
Australia: 1; Austria: 12; Belgium: 6; Bulgaria: 1; Canada: 1; China, People's Republic: 24; Cyprus: 1; Czechia: 3; Denmark: 1; Egypt: 1; Estonia: 2; Finland: 3; France: 6; Germany: 148; Greece: 2; Hungary: 3; India: 3; Israel: 1; Italy: 10; Kazakhstan: 1; Lithuania: 1; Netherlands: 8; Norway: 2; Poland: 2; Portugal: 3; Romania: 1; Slovakia: 1; Slovenia: 1; Spain: 8; Sweden: 1; Switzerland: 12; Taiwan: 1; Türkiye: 10; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: 5; United States of America: 6

Industry sectorEnergy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23), Facility Management (industry 32), Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology (industry 70)
Main product groupEnergy Conservation, Energy Generation, Energy Recovery, Energy Engineering, Energy Supply, Energy Management, renewable energies, Building Automation, Facility Management, Building Engineering, Geothermal, Heating Technology, Industrial Heating Systems, Refrigeration Technology, Air Conditioning, Power Heat Technology, Regulating and Control Technology, Regenerative energy, Control Systems, Current Supply Installations, Service Networks, heat pumps, Heat Storage Units, Heat Generation, Wind energy, Energy Trading, Energy Transformation, Energy Distribution, Power Plants, system solutions, Transformers
AccessTrade visitors
Exhibitor data baseon-line available / access via home page of the trade fair
Direct sale (retail sale to visitors permitted?)No

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