Industry sectorTrade Fairs for Capital Goods (industry 02), Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23), Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Facility Management (industry 32)
Main product groupAlternative Energy, Gears and Drives Technology, Batteries, Biomass, Fuel Cells, Electric Vehicles, Energy Generation, Energy Trading, Energy Engineering, Energy Transformation, Energy Supply, Energy Distribution, Energy Management, renewable energies, Production Lines, Financing, Research and Development, Building Engineering, Heating Technology, Power Heat Technology, Power Plants, Machine Building, Photovoltaic conversion, Regenerative energy, Solar Power Equipment, solarwarmth, Electricity, Current Supply Installations, Environment Protection, Environmental Engineering
AccessTrade visitors
Exhibitor data baseon-line available / access via home page of the trade fair
Direct sale (retail sale to visitors permitted?)No