Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show


Toronto Congress CentreTorontoCanada


25/09/-28/09/202329/09/-02/10/2025September 2027Interval: every two yearsfounded in: 1976

Co-located events

Canadian Machine Tool ShowMeasurement Technology Quality AssuranceMetal FormingNational Factory Automation ShowTooling & Suppliers


Society of Manufacturing Engineers One SME DriveDearborn, MI 48121United States of AmericaFon: +1 313 2711500Fax: +1 313 4253400exhibitorquestions@sme.org
Project team


Canadian Machine Tool Distributor's AssociationCanadian Tooling Manufacturers' Association

Participation of the federal state 9/2023

 North Rhine-WestphaliaParticipation mode:Participation of the federal state (LPA)Contact:Liaison office of the Federal State
Industry sectorMetalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57)
Main product groupMachine Tools, Grinding Machines, CAD/CAM, Casting Machines, Tools, Hydraulic Presses, Compressors, Air Purification, Exhaust Gas Installations, Filter, Industrial Equipment, Furnaces, Industrial Robots, Soldering Apparatus, Welding Equipment, Cutting Tools, Punching Tools, Pumps, In-Plant Transport Systems, Security Installations, Control Equipment, Lubricants
AccessTrade visitors

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