Export promotion by the government

Support for companies located and producing in Germany

The federal government and individual federal states support participation by German companies in exhibitions at home and abroad. Each year they provide considerable public funding for this purpose. Their special support programmes serve to improve marketing of products and services, facilitate access for German companies to domestic and foreign markets, and provide technical and organisational support to exhibitors.

Your contact to us:

Association of the German
Trade Fair Industry

Littenstraße 9
10179 Berlin

 +49 30 24000-0

In Germany

Support for participation by German companies in exhibitions in Germany comes primarily from the federal states. This support for companies exhibiting at international and/or national trade fairs in Germany is generally limited to certain sectors of the economy. The federal government only supports participation by young innovative companies in leading international trade fairs in Germany.

More on support for exhibitors in Germany (German language)


At trade fairs abroad, German companies are supported by the federal government and also by many federal states. The Federal Ministries for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) have developed a foreign trade-fair participation programme for this purpose. In addition, some federal states offer country-specific trade fair programmes and also support individual companies or small groups of exhibitors.

More on Germany’s foreign trade-fair participation programme

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