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October 25 2021Legal affairs

Short summary of travel easements for trade fair visitors from abroad

Exhibitors and visitors from abroad may enter Germany to attend trade fairs. Special rules continue to apply to them: Participation in trade fairs is absolutely essential and cannot be postponed, the legislator argues. Even for exhibitors and visitors from high risk areas outside Europe, this special regulation applies. Therefore, exhibitors and visitors may even enter Germany from high risk areas outside Europe.

The quarantine regulations are also a distinct benefit: Trade fair participants do not have to go into quarantine after entering Germany. This even applies to unvaccinated trade fair participants from high-risk areas. This is subject to the condition that they remain in Germany for a maximum of five days.  Here, too, the legislator has created special regulations for absolutely necessary and unpostponable business trips such as trade fair participation. In order to benefit from the special regulation, proof of participation in the trade fair must be provided when applying for a visa and entering Germany. This applies to visitors, but also to employees of the exhibiting companies.

No corona-related entry restrictions and quarantine obligations apply to vaccinated or recovered trade fair participants. However, travelers are only considered to be vaccinated if they have been fully vaccinated with one of the four vaccines recognized in Germany. Thus vaccination with Sputnik, Sinovac or Sinopharm is not sufficient.

Since the beginning of September, fairs have again been possible in all 16 German states. Over 80 international trade fairs are planned in Germany in the next six months. The travel easements that apply to exhibitors and visitors are an important factor in ensuring the high internationality of German trade fairs and thereby enabling Germany to regain its former strength as a trade fair location.

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