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November 23 2020International

Andreas Gruchow new chairman of the European Chapter at UFI

Of the German exhibition companies, the companies in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hanover, Munich and Nuremberg are represented on the Board of Directors of UFI - Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. Dr. Andreas Gruchow (Deutsche Messe AG, photo) is the new chairman of the European Chapter.

Elections for the new Board of Directors of UFI - Global Association of the Exhibition Industry - have now been held, as well as further committee elections. Dr. Andreas Gruchow, member of the Management Board of Deutsche Messe AG, Hannover, was elected as the new Chairman of the European Chapter. He succeeds Gerald Böse, CEO of Koelnmesse GmbH, who held this office since 2014. The newly elected Board of Directors comprises the executives of the global exhibition industry and consists of a maximum of 60 members. Of the German organisers, Gerald Böse (Koelnmesse GmbH), Klaus Dittrich (Messe München GmbH), Roland Fleck (NürnbergMesse GmbH), Wolfgang Marzin (Messe Frankfurt GmbH), Erhard Wienkamp (Messe Düsseldorf GmbH) and Dr. Andreas Gruchow belong to the Board elected for the next three years.

Anbu Varatan, the President of the Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) and Head of the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) has become President of UFI. Monica Lee-Müller, HKCEC, Hong Kong, is part of the new UFI Presidential Trio as Incoming President. Mary Larkin, Diversified Communications USA, the former President, is Outgoing President for the 2020/21 period.

The new mandates started after the UFI Congress, which, due to the pandemic, took place in Muscat (Oman) as planned, but digitally from 16 to 19 November 2020.

UFI represents more than 800 member companies and organisations from 83 different countries, under whose umbrella more than 1,000 international trade fairs and congresses are held. The tasks of the Board of Directors include representing the interests of the global exhibition industry and implementing the resolutions passed by the UFI General Assembly.

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