Motto: Transforming Exhibitions: Core competencies of tomorrow’s matchmaking
The International Summer University for Trade Fair Management (ISU) is being held from 5 to 7 June this year. The motto of the conference in Cologne is “Transforming Exhibitions: Core competencies of tomorrow’s matchmaking”. This year, the participants will be looking into the changes occurring in the trade fair ecosystem, and which challenges this brings for matchmaking at trade fairs.
The ISU is aimed at professionals from the worldwide exhibition industry. It offers an interactive educational platform for sharing strategic and operational knowledge. Industry insiders from all over the world form a learning community to discuss topics that are decisive for the industry’s success. The first day will concentrate on current research findings, with case studies being presented on the second day, while the third day will direct a focus at non-industry-specific solutions in order to promote a broader perspective.
This year’s speakers include Dr Holger Feist (Messe München), Professor Martin Paul Fritze (University of Cologne), Tim Groot (Grip AI), Professor Nikolaus Hafermaas (TRIAD), Sophie Holt (Explori), Dr Lara Lobschat (University of Groningen), Professor Stefano Puntoni (Rotterdam School of Management) and Dr Bernd Storm van’s Gravesande (Bits & Pretzels). The conference language is English.
Participation in the three-day event costs €1,520 or €1,220 for UFI members. A €200 discount is being offered to those who register by 22 March 2019. This convention has been held since 2006 – and has enjoyed AUMA’s support since the very outset.