As the new Vice-Chair of the UFI Associations Committee, AUMA Managing Director Jörn Holtmeier is now a member of the UFI Board of Directors.
AUMA Managing Director Jörn Holtmeier has now been elected Vice-Chair of the Associations Committee of the UFI - the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. The committee consists of representatives of fair exhibition organisers' and exhibition service providers' associations worldwide. The Chairman is Chris Skeith, Managing Director of the British exhibition organisation AEO. Jörn Holtmeier succeeds Dr. Peter Neven, Managing Director of AUMA until 31 Dec, 2019. In his new function Jörn Holtmeier is also a member of the Board of Directors of UFI.
UFI represents more than 800 member companies and organisations from 83 different countries, under whose umbrella more than 1,000 international trade fairs and congresses are held. The tasks of the Board of Directors include representing the interests of the global exhibition industry and implementing the resolutions passed by the UFI General Assembly.
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