Industry sectorGardening and landscaping (plants, equipment, technology) (industry 36)
Main product groupPotflowers, Green Plants, Hydroculture, Vegetables, Nursery Products, Cut Flowers, Grounds, Seeds, Flower-bulbs, Green Houses, Measuring Systems, Machinery, Plant Protection, Pottery, Irrigation Plants, Drainage, Refrigeration, Transport Equipment, Utility Vehicles, Trailers, Florists' Articles, Industrial Crafts, Applied Arts, Decorations, Greeting Cards, Dried Flowers, Basketwork Goods, Grave Arrangements, Shop Construction, Shop Fittings, Packaging Material, Special-Purpose Clothing, Protective Clothing, Tools, Services
AccessTrade visitors
Exhibitor data baseon-line available / access via home page of the trade fair
Direct sale (retail sale to visitors permitted?)No