Industry sectorLogistics, Gears and Drives, Conveyance and Storage Technology (industry 55), Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control (industry 19)
Main product groupGears and Drives Technology, Automation, Automation Systems, Demounting Systems, Electric Automation Technology, Factory Automation, Conveying Equipment, Joints/seam Technology, Manipulation Engineering, Industrial Automation, Industrial image processing, Industrial Robots, Labelling Technology, Material Handling, Mechanical Handling, Assembly Engineering, Pneumatic, systems for positioning, Profile Systems, Robotics, Sensors, Sensor Technology, Security Installations, Control Systems, Ball and Roller Bearings, Adhesives, Sealants, Measuring Systems
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Exhibitor data baseon-line available / access via home page of the trade fair
Direct sale (retail sale to visitors permitted?)No