VenueSingapore ExpoSingapore Dates23/04/-26/04/202421/04/-24/04/2026Interval: every two yearsfounded in: 2016 Co-located eventsFHA - Food & Beverage OrganiserMesse Düsseldorf Asia Pte Ltd 3 HarbourFront Place#09-02 HarbourFront Tower 2Singapore 099254SingaporeFon: +65 6 332-9620Fax: +65 6 team Markets Floors 20-22, 605 Third Avenue,New York, 10158United States of AmericaFon: +1 212 520-2700informamarkets@informa.com German representativeMesse Düsseldorf GmbH Messeplatz40474 DusseldorfGermanyFon: +49 211 4560-01Fax: +49 211 4560-668info@messe-duesseldorf.de Supporter/sponsorSingapore Tourism Board Joint company stand of the Federal Republic of Germany 4/2024Federal Ministry of Food and AgricultureParticipation mode:Joint company stand (G)Exhibitors register with: IEC Inter Expo Consult GmbH