VenuePalais des Festivals et des CongrèsCannesFrance Dates11/03/-14/03/2025March 2026Interval: annuallyfounded in: 1990 OrganiserRX France 27 quai Alphonse Le Gallo92513 BoulogneFranceFon: +33 1 7971-9000Fax: +33 1 7971-9050info.france@rxglobal.com teambeatrice.gravier@reedmidem.com German representativeRunze & Casper Werbeagentur GmbH Linienstr. 21410119 BerlinGermanyFon: +49 30 28018-0Fax: +49 30 28018-300info@runze-casper.de Joint company stand of the Federal Republic of Germany/Participation of the federal state 3/2025Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate ActionParticipation mode:Information center (IZ)Exhibitors register with: DEGA-EXPOTEAM GmbH & Co. Ausstellungs KG North Rhine-WestphaliaParticipation mode:Participation of the federal state (LPA)Contact:Liaison office of the Federal State