VenueFeira Internacional de LisboaLisbonPortugal Dates11/11/-14/11/202410/11/-13/11/2025November 2026Interval: annually OrganiserConnected Intelligence Limited The Office Manager Tramway House,32 Dartry Road, DartryDublin 6IrelandFon: +353 1 4433-170Project teaminfo@websummit.com Joint company stand of the Federal Republic of Germany/Participation of the federal state 11/2024Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate ActionParticipation mode:Joint company stand (G)Information center (IZ)Exhibitors register with: expotec gmbh BerlinParticipation mode:Participation of the federal state (LPA)Contact:Liaison office of the Federal State BrandenburgParticipation mode:Participation of the federal state (LPA)Contact:Liaison office of the Federal State North Rhine-WestphaliaParticipation mode:Participation of the federal state (LPA)Contact:Liaison office of the Federal State