VenueMiami Beach Convention CenterMiami BeachUnited States of America Dates07/04/-10/04/2025April 2026Interval: annuallyfounded in: 1985 OrganiserInforma Markets 2 Penn Plaza, 15 th FloorNew York, NY 10121United States of AmericaFon: +1 212 600-3000informamarkets@informa.com teamsales@seatradecruiseglobal.com Supporter/sponsorFlorida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA)International Council of Cruiselines (ICCL) Joint company stand of the Federal Republic of Germany 4/2025Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate ActionParticipation mode:Joint company stand (G)Information center (IZ)Exhibitors register with: LMI - Leipziger Messe International GmbH